Base Directories

Most frontend projects built using a framework will have at least one directory dedicated to the app’s components, such as src/components.

Agrippa can be configured to consider such a directory as a base directory - meaning it will generate all components under that directory, by default.

To set the base directory, use the baseDir option in agrippa.config.mjs:

// @ts-check
import { defineConfig, Styling } from "agrippa";

export default defineConfig({
  options: {
    baseDir: './path/to/basedir'

    // ...


We have a project set up, with baseDir set to src/components in the config. We generate a component TopBar using the usual command:

npx agrippa gen top-bar

This tells Agrippa to create the component’s directory under src/components, that is, the component files will be generated under src/components/TopBar.


Most often, a component’s place is not directly under what we call the baseDir, but rather as a nested descendant of it.

Agrippa supports generating a component this way through the dest option, typically passed as a CLI flag (--dest, or the more verbose --destination).

This flag expects a string representing a relative path, resolved relative to the baseDir. If the resolved path does not exist, it is created.


We have a project set up, with baseDir set to src/components in the config. We generate a component ButtonBase using the usual command, with --dest set to ./common:

npx agrippa gen top-bar --dest ./common

This tells Agrippa to create the component’s directory “at ./common relative to the baseDir src/components, that is, under src/components/common. The component files will therefore be generated under src/components/common/TopBar.


By default, Agrippa does not allow a component’s directory to fall outside the baseDir, if one is specified; if the final resolved path for the component (determined by baseDir and dest as described above) is not unedr baseDir, Agrippa logs an error message and exits.

To override this behvaiour, i.e. to allow component to be generated outside the base directory, set the allowOutsideBase option to true in the config, or pass the --allow-outside-base flag in the CLI command.