Config Reference

Agrippa can be configured using a config file, agrippa.config.mjs, typically located at the project root (alongside package.json and other configuration files).

Using a config is recommended for any project, with rare exceptions.

Creating a config

Creating a config is straightforward with the init command. In your project’s root directory, run:

# npm
npx agrippa init

# yarn
yarn agrippa init

# pnpm
pnpm exec agrippa init

The command should create a new file, agrippa.config.mjs, whose contents look like this:

// @ts-check
import { defineConfig } from "agrippa";

export default defineConfig({
  options: {},

Note that is file is an ES module.


Agrippa expects the config file to contain a default export, having a specific strucutre.

defineConfig, exported by Agrippa, doesn’t really do much at runtime, but it enforces the exported configuration’s structure, i.e. its type, matches what Agrippa expects to receive.

This, in combination with the // @ts-check comment above, gives us the safety and intellisense of a Typescript environment, even though we’re using plain JS.

Config structure

The config’s fields are:

  1. Options: these configure the main Agrippa process. All option’s types, descriptions and defaults can be found on our Config Options page.

  2. Plugins: plugins can enhance and extend Agrippa’s core capabilities; the config’s plugins field is where they’re declared, as an array.

  3. Files: this field allows you to augment or override the files that Agrippa searches for and reads when it runs. Currently, its only practical usage is to give Agrippa the path to a custom tsconfig (for more information, see our Typescript page).

Specifying path to config

Coming in the near future


Coming in the near future